GKV-Bündnis für Gesundheit

GKV Bündnis für Gesundheit - teamw()rk for labour and health

The Groß-Gerau District Municipal Job Centre participates in the nationwide "teamw()rk for work and health" programme.

As part of the programme, you can take part in preventative and health-promoting courses free of charge and on a voluntary basis. The courses on offer can help you to improve your personal well-being and lead a healthy life.

There are online courses on stress management, nutritional counselling and exercise, e.g. a walking meeting.

Below you will find the current offers. You can register for the courses directly via the GKV-Bündnis website. There you will also find the flyers with all the course information.

The project team and the trainers look forward to seeing you and your participation.

The most important questions about the programme

All SGB II beneficiaries in the area of responsibility of the Groß-Gerau District Municipal Job Centre.

Participation should lead to an improved lifestyle, feeling physically and mentally fitter and living a healthier life in the long term.

If you have decided in favour of one or more courses, you can register online. There are online and face-to-face courses. All flyers with information on the respective courses are also available on the enrolment website.

If you are unsure, ask your integration specialist.

The courses are offered by qualified trainers. The costs of the programmes are covered by the GKV Alliance for Health and are free of charge for you.