
Declaration on accessibility

The Jobcenter Groß-Gerau endeavours to make its websites and their mobile applications accessible in accordance with Section 10 (1) of the State Disability Equality Act (L-BGG).

This declaration on accessibility applies to the websites of the Jobcenter Groß-Gerau and all subpages.

1. status of compatibility with the requirements

These websites, including the mobile application, are partially compatible with Section 10 (1) L-BGG.

2. non-accessible content

The content listed below is not accessible for the following reasons:

(a) Incompatibility with Section 10(1) L-BGG:

  • Subtitles are often missing on the websites that contain videos or audio files. There is no precise description of the content or a transcription.
  • The HTML source code on some websites contains syntax errors.
  • Some German-language pages may contain texts with English-language terms that are not labelled as such.
  • In some cases, information is provided exclusively in the form of graphics without text alternatives or a text description.
  • Documents that can be downloaded are not always labelled with the file type in which they are available.

b) This content does not fall within the scope of the applicable legal provisions:

  • Websites of other domains that are linked to the websites of Jobcenter Groß-Gerau .