

Would you like to start vocational training and are wondering which profession suits you best?

We support you with information on career orientation and accompany you on your further path:

  • We will work with you to find out what your strengths and interests are.
  • We will work with you to find an internship where you can familiarise yourself with and experience the profession.
  • We will help you draw up application documents and prepare you for job interviews.

There are many ways to complete vocational training - even after the age of 25!

Sometimes the first step is to catch up on your school-leaving qualifications, in other cases support during the training period is important. It may also be that the individual life situation requires unusual models such as part-time training.

Contact us if you have any questions about training.

Would you like to find out about apprenticeships and internships in the district of Groß-Gerau and the surrounding area? This link will take you to JobZentrale, the online job exchange for the district of Groß-Gerau and the surrounding area.