
Imprint / Liability

This is general information about the publisher of this website in accordance with Section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG) and Section 55 (2) of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaty (RStV).

We refer to the data protection declarations posted separately on our website.


The provider of this Internet service is: Kommunales Jobcenter Kreis Groß-Gerau Anstalt öffentlichen Rechts (AöR), represented by the Executive Board, Mr Hoffmann.

Responsible for the content of our website in the area of public relations is: Mrs Feßler.

You can contact the persons named under points I and II at the following address:

Kommunales Jobcenter Kreis Groß-Gerau (AöR)
Wilhelm-Seipp-Str. 7
64521 Groß-Gerau

If you have any questions about our website and the Internet services it contains (e.g. digital services), you can contact us as follows:

Tel.: 06152/9854-200
Fax: 06152/6384-222

When sending e-mails, the data transfer is unsecured. The data can be read or falsified by unauthorised persons. You can therefore use our e-mail encryption system to send us documents and records securely and in encrypted form. We can also use it to send you e-mails quickly and securely. You can find more information here.

You can also reach us securely via our contact form.

Office hours of the telephone service centre: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday: 8 am - 4 pm, Wednesday 8 am - 12 pm and 2 pm - 6 pm, Friday 8 am - 1 pm.

The website is maintained by us in co-operation with the Agentur für Mediendesign Lichtenberg as technical service provider on our behalf and according to our specifications. Contact details:

Agentur für Mediendesign Lichtenberg
Lichtenbergstraße 68
64289 Darmstadt